The Dance of Life

As I stepped into the church sanctuary today, my eyes were drawn to a table strewn with an array of words. During the sermon, the pastor encouraged the congregation to select a “star word,” on our way out—a word meant to serve as a guiding light, much like the star that led the Magi to Jesus. This chosen word was to become a touchstone for prayer, reflection and spiritual growth throughout the year.

Opting to randomly grab a word without looking, I anticipated something that would resonate with me like peace, courage, or health. Instead, I found myself holding onto the word “dance.” Puzzled, I couldn’t help but question why I, someone with two left feet and no dance lessons under my belt, ended up with such a word. Surely, there must have been a mix-up; perhaps, “dance” was intended for someone more graceful. What was God thinking, allowing me to choose “dance”?

On my drive home, the significance of “dance” lingered in my thoughts. Then, in a moment of revelation, it struck me—much like a tap shoe to the head (LOL). As I sat contemplating my word, the Lord whispered to me: “The Dance of Life.”

The Dance of Life is often used as a metaphor for life’s journey. Just as no two journeys are unique, so is their dance, exquisitely orchestrated. While some may share steps, the individual expression contributes to life’s intricate tapestry. Where one person may stumble, another will move through the dance with beautiful fluidity. But change is constant in life, and the one who has fallen is now gracefully back on their feet, and the one who was dancing without flaw is struggling to remember the next move. It mirrors our existence, marked by ups, downs, twists, and turns.

Moreover, dance symbolizes harmony and balance. As a child of God, I seek both in my relationships and personal well-being. Without God as my partner and choreographer, dancing alone I risk losing my footing.

As I tape this word to my mirror, I want it to become a constant reminder that though my dance may not always be smooth, I can still dance with joy. I can extend a helping hand to those stumbling in their dance and appreciate and embrace the unique dances of others. Most importantly, I pray this word serves as a reminder that God is my eternal dance partner, lifting me to live a graceful and grace-filled life.

In the grand dance of our existence, I sense the Lord asking not just of me, but of us all—”May I have this dance?”


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